Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Glimpse of Fiafia Nite

Our school had Fiafia Nite last Friday. Kids from Room 7 and Room 10 danced. Fiafia Nite means people dance for money. The kids danced for their Camp which is after 2 weeks time. They need at least $10,000 to camp at Great Barrier Island for 5 nights. There were lots of Samoan and Tongan dances. Also kids brought food from their home to be sold. It was a fun filled nite for all.
IMG 0137 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0138 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0139 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0140 from Anjila on Vimeo.
IMG 0141 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0142 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0143 from Anjila on Vimeo.

IMG 0144 from Anjila on Vimeo.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thank You Tsana Plessius

A huge thank you to you Tsana for coming in every Wednesday morning and helping us with our Reading and Writing. It's making a huge difference in our classroom. God bless.

Our free Painting Display in the Hallway


In the weekend I watched my brother play rugby and get player of the day award. I felt happy because Karl got player of the day.

On Sunday I went to church with my mum. Karl was suppose to come but he went away and we didn’t know where he was. Later he told us he went to his friend’s house.

By Robin.

Father's Day

Father’s Day

On Sunday for Father’s Day dad and I washed the truck. My sisters helped us a little bit. First we got the soap and the hose. Then we started washing the truck and my sisters left and I stayed. Well when I was washing my dad said bring the hose but I was wetting his paints with the hose it was really funny. After washing the truck we gave him a Father’s Day Card.

By Davarni

On Father’s day at home my mum and I prepared some breakfast for my dad.
My brothers and I made a card for my dad and when my dad started reading it he liked it. My sister gave my dad a cup of tea.

We also went to Rainbows End and in the evening I did a sasa (dance) to my dad and my dad liked it and was really happy.

By: Newsam

Wednesday, 4 September 2013



Flowers start to grow and leaves fall off.
It gets warm in spring.

In spring it looks very nice.

By: Davarni

When it is spring leaves fall down and it is windy. People say that it is pleasant weather.
                         By: Salote            

Transport Song for Inquiry Presentation

Our Transport song we did in the beginning of Term 2 for Inquiry presentation. Sorry because of the system error we were not able to upload it earlier on.

IMG 0651 from Anjila on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


T-Towbar with
I-Igloos on it from the

G-Green mountains where

E-Every deadly bloody

R-rampages of tigers live.

By: Robin

Heat to Move

Today we learnt in class that heat is needed for vehicles. If you don't have heat in the car it will not move at all.

Ripper Rugby

Today we played Ripper Rugby but before we started playing Hamish our instructor taught us how to play Stuck in the Mud. He taught us to play Stuck in the Mud in a different way which was by tagging each other using a rugby ball below the shoulder. Once a person gets tagged he/ she needs to stand opening their arms like a birds wings. Then another person needs to free them by putting their hands down. 
He then gave us a velcro belt to put around our waist and 2 velcro ribbons as well to stick on our left and right hand side on the belt. He challenged us that who gets the most belts and the winner twice was Loto.