Friday 12 September 2014

At the Party (By: Maselino)

The weather was sunny and the birds were chipping... One day there were two boys called Tom and Jaden. They were best friends. The sun was shinning and the sky was blue. The people were decorating the house, tables and chairs. The food was cooked. The party was at home. Tom was 29 years old. He liked to show off. Jaden liked going to school. He is 19 years old. Tom heard something and he went looking where the sound was coming from. It was the smoke alarm and they saw a big fire in the kitchen. They ran. They were screaming for help. Jaden called on 111 and the fire engine came in 5 minutes. The fire people worked hard to put the fire out and finally they did. Jaden, Tom and others were ok. The lesson learnt go with a family and a gron nap. By: Maselino

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